Are Koalas even real? Look how human this one's eyes are:


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Is it true that koalas are alway high on eucalyptus leaves? If so i would like to reincarnate as a koala.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Are Koalas even real @K-Schwabby?
I didn't know what a koala's mating call sounded like for a long time, so when I first heard it at midnight in an area they frequent, I thought there were gigantic wild boars or something out in the darkness. The loudness plus how it echoes and reverberates through the trees is unreal.

@K-Schwabby Have you ever fought a koala in a drunken stupor?
I'd probably lose that fight. They're deceptively big and their claws could make you bleed to death. Luckily they're not aggressive unless they feel cornered, otherwise they'll just flee up a tree.

Honestly, imagine fighting a midget but he has Freddy Krueger claws.