My father and I do not soirée, though we see each other weekly due to other family. Am neutral on what he does or how long he lasts, because I don’t have nor want an emotional closeness with him. He’s active and slim, but a heavy smoker and tanner as well as a labourer, so one of a few things will probably take him out before 75.
He’s also a deadbeat living off my mother’s job & pension, which is worse. He’s done that since I was in highschool 15 years ago, and got away with it blaming the 2008 recession. All while he used to give me so much stick about my work and personal life.
He doesn’t know this, but even though he is my bio father and married to my mother in the eyes of Missy, still I view him more as my mother’s boyfriend or live-in handyman. Man’s just there innit.
I shall be devvoed if or when something happens to Mum though, love the old girl to bits. She’s been there for me through the worst and best times, and she doesn’t get enough appreciation.
If she was a real witch, she must have been so disappointed she didn’t spawn a daughter or even a pagan onto whom she could pass her infernal knowledge and powers. Bacon would never make Wiccan varsity.
Am eagerly awaiting the day my closet-case Gen X ‘straight’ married-with-kids cousin gets caught cottaging or visiting a gentleman friend.
His rank hypocrisy aside, he’s a prick in general as well, one who for just one example makes his poor kids more or less sleep over at the nursery school (orphanage), so he can make time for his amdram performances.
Plus his wife is a fat middleclass sowFrau who’s not pretty but rich thanks to her old Tad’s business, so it would be hilarious to see his meal ticket go up in smoke BroJoe style.
He’s also a deadbeat living off my mother’s job & pension, which is worse. He’s done that since I was in highschool 15 years ago, and got away with it blaming the 2008 recession. All while he used to give me so much stick about my work and personal life.
He doesn’t know this, but even though he is my bio father and married to my mother in the eyes of Missy, still I view him more as my mother’s boyfriend or live-in handyman. Man’s just there innit.
I shall be devvoed if or when something happens to Mum though, love the old girl to bits. She’s been there for me through the worst and best times, and she doesn’t get enough appreciation.
My mother did candle lit rituals with other freaks, in the vein of some kind of hippy free love thing.
When I was 11 or something I kept having night terrors. I would be looking at the night sky with her, and they would appear to us, a coiled serpent would writhe around her and then these entities would attack me. I would ask her to stop doing these things and she would ignore me.
The message is clear and I don’t need to explain it.
If she was a real witch, she must have been so disappointed she didn’t spawn a daughter or even a pagan onto whom she could pass her infernal knowledge and powers. Bacon would never make Wiccan varsity.
Fun fact my brother was the darling of the family until he ditched his kids and is now the black sheep and can't work out why nobody wants to deal with him now.
It's fun watching younger generations fuck up relationships like older people
Am eagerly awaiting the day my closet-case Gen X ‘straight’ married-with-kids cousin gets caught cottaging or visiting a gentleman friend.
His rank hypocrisy aside, he’s a prick in general as well, one who for just one example makes his poor kids more or less sleep over at the nursery school (orphanage), so he can make time for his amdram performances.
Plus his wife is a fat middleclass sowFrau who’s not pretty but rich thanks to her old Tad’s business, so it would be hilarious to see his meal ticket go up in smoke BroJoe style.