apparently I'm top of my sales team


About 15 years ago, a buddy and I were on the same sales team. He was kind of lagging behind until he started drinking high gravity 24 ounces before and during the middle of work. And then he started knocking it out of the park- exceeded sales goals by over a million a day- but alas, he flew too close to the Sun and he got a little too loud and flirty with a co-worker and she said he smelled like alcohol. He was fired not too long after that, however they really didn't want to fire him- and no, nobody went with him.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
How the fuck do you put on that sales guy energy every day without killing yourself? Every time I walk on a car lot I want to assault whatever overfriendly salesman approaches me.

start at 50 percent

if your always at 100 percent, you have no were to go. and will burn out

start at a baseline, that gives you room to mirror the customer's energy.