AOC says she was raped


Stand Alone Fruit
She was the "girl from the bronx" until it was exposed she was only born there and grew up in some upscale suburbs. Her father was a fucking architect. And real immigrant Latinos don't hyphenate their names, that's some trying to be white shit...another minority girl all about diversity but is really no different than any other valley girl
I forgot about that, she tried to pull a Serch and claimed she was raised by her parents and the streets. After that she dropped the whole “I had it tough” growing up.

The Real Ray WiIson

Raymondo Munoz
I remember she also claimed to be Jewish once when there was some anti semitic crime in New York. She never mentioned being Jewish again because it couldn’t relate to any hot topic issue.

She’s lying or it’s one of those cases where she had drunk sex with a dude and was embarrassed about it once they sobered up. She would have told this story long ago when they were putting her in documentaries and doing photo ops at the border. Remember how she said she feared for life on Jan 6 but it turns out she wasn’t even in the capital building? Politicians never waste a tragedy or a situation to make up a story for attention.

Joe Biden started telling people his wife was killed by a drunk driver after the driver died, he started adding the driver had a “liquid lunch” the day of crash. The drivers daughter went after him because there was zero alcohol involved in the crash, it was an accident yet he was not at fault.
The rumor is that that his wife had a few before driving. Wouldn't shock me.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Two careers. She was a bartender when she got cast as a political candidate.

Yes, she was cast. I can’t remember the name of the guy who was the kingmaker (cuntmaker) in this case but as you can imagine he was Jewish.

What a co-in-key-dink. Less than 2% of the US population yet proving the Every Single Time paradigm.
Yeah I saw something on it, it was some group lead by two boring looking middle aged guys that knew if they got an attractive girl as their puppet to do as she’s told they could get their far-left agenda out there.
I forget the groups name, but it’s owned by Cenk faggot or whatever his name is from the Young Turks. He has some faggot pajeet or something run it for “young progressives”. He’s basically trying to get a foothold into the party once the old guard dies off officially.