Anyone watching The North Water?



BBC/HBO production. Drama/murder mystery miniseries set on a 19th century whaling vessel. Only on episode 2 but good stuff so far. Colin Farrell unrecognisable as the antagonist. Same size as season 2 Sopranos Gandolfini but with long hair and beard. Stephen Graham also stars. It might become shit but am enjoying it so far. Gritty, all the cast are scumbags, the only female characters are literally whores. Good clean fun for the whole family!


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
Gregg Araki has never made a movie that wasn't repulsive on some level.
It's like recommending Boku No Pico. I love anyone who actually goes through and watches it and lets that happen to themselves

To go with @McGowan6

on a related note, check out The Bounty (1984), thematically linked if off by an ocean and about a century. really good stuff if you haven't seen it
Deep Calm (1989) again sea faring in theme, but modern and smaller scope. Awesome, recently saw this, it's good
The Vanishing (1988, Danish) - this was recommended in a movie thread here that i searched for recently and couldn't find. Watched it on a brotherman's recommendation. Don't read synopsis just put it on


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
No, but what happened to your avatar was a travesty of free speech principles and I don't feel safe here after seeing that happen


The Vanishing (1988, Danish) - this was recommended in a movie thread here that i searched for recently and couldn't find. Watched it on a brotherman's recommendation. Don't read synopsis just put it on
First time I saw The Vanishing there were a couple of moments where I almost cried. Not in a boo hoo that's sad way but in a crushed way.
Watched it a few months ago. Enjoyed it.

Saw the terror a few months before that. It was very similar but based on a true story yet also moved into a bit of magical nonsense...


Give Me Some Money
It's like recommending Boku No Pico. I love anyone who actually goes through and watches it and lets that happen to themselves

To go with @McGowan6

on a related note, check out The Bounty (1984), thematically linked if off by an ocean and about a century. really good stuff if you haven't seen it
Deep Calm (1989) again sea faring in theme, but modern and smaller scope. Awesome, recently saw this, it's good
The Vanishing (1988, Danish) - this was recommended in a movie thread here that i searched for recently and couldn't find. Watched it on a brotherman's recommendation. Don't read synopsis just put it on
The Vanishing is Dutch, lol.