Anyone see da nuke movie?


Dan doesn’t have a penis. I. Do.
This is the only nuke movie, child



هيئة الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر
Miracle Mile is probably in the top ten of most underrated films of all time. The entire movie Cloverfield is a ripoff of basically every scene in the film as well. Even down to the helicopter crash in the ending using the exact same angles.
Miracle Mile really is a low-budget masterpiece. Anyone who hasn't seen it should get right on that shit.


Fantastic Man
View attachment 137166

Wrong. It was totally gratuitous because nobody wants to see nerd sex--even chocolatehellhole has his limits. I'll bet Jizzian's crymax was "so fucking powerful" because that emo fag had never touched a girl before. Gassers, what did you think of it?
Having a sex scene in a movie about barbecuing japs is always gonna be gratuitous