Anyone notice Paul's twitter is no longer private? Ha ha ha holee shit.

I'm no Owen Forum's historian, nor would I claim to be, but I would like to remind people of this cunts' origin story.

Ricky weaponised this retard into claiming DCMAs whenever the subreddit (hilariously) used images of Fatrick. It was only after the spotlight was on this waste of fucking skin that we discovered he was also a creepy bastard who enjoyed taking up-skirt and naked pics of children.

I am NOT sorry Paul.

Ps. When dragged into our light hearted hijinks his own brother was not surprised to be told Paul was probably a pedo.


Reginald VelPenis
The "I'm so sorry, Paul" thing will never not make me laugh. They say it without fail, every time. He needs pity to live. When his mother called him a coward, it used up all of his stored pity and weakened him to the point of being in a wheelchair. Then, when he received pity for the chair, he just stuck with it until he had fed on enough pity to scale buildings. He can reach a child's bedroom window on the 10th storey of an apartment building in less than ten seconds.


"Now put ice skates on dat bich." Peppermint
I’m so sorry Paul.
Paul Weimer has a dildo up his ass and cum on his lips reading all these "sorry Pedo Pauls."

Fucking disgusting creep using a wheelchair to try and fuck kids at a SFWA con pizza party.


"I will use my sword and kill your daddy Dani if you don't let me take these pictures of you." -Paul Weimer