Anyone know someone that turned out to be a pedo or molested or raped someone?


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
You're the one that needs a podcast, Jesus Christ.
I take that as a great compliment man. Like it’s super nice I legitimately appreciate it. But I burnt a fuck ton of material. I suppose I go through it with more detail and more planned out and a lot of other stuff has happened. But I don’t have many nice stories lol


Yeah, it's hack but a familiar theme. The Akela of my cub scout pack turned out to be a pedo. The guy creeped me out even as a kid but this was the first half of the 90s and seemed like a more innocent time. The fucking guy "interviewed" the boys and their families before accepting them into the troop. That should have been a big red flag for my parents but like I said, more innocent times. I guess the fact that I had a dad helped prevent any shenanigans (O and A reference, Dan) as I was a very tousable boy (another one, D.) The fucking guy looked like a balding 60 year old wolf man (ironic Akela) and I remember being creeped the fuck out when he took us to an aqua park one time and seeing the hairy fuck in brown speedos. I don't think he molested anyone but he was caught with child porn. Since then I've stuck to the mantra that any man who volunteers for scouts or even wants to teach kids under the age of say 15, is almost certainly a pedophile.


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
Yeah, it's hack but a familiar theme. The Akela of my cub scout pack turned out to be a pedo. The guy creeped me out even as a kid but this was the first half of the 90s and seemed like a more innocent time. The fucking guy "interviewed" the boys and their families before accepting them into the troop. That should have been a big red flag for my parents but like I said, more innocent times. I guess the fact that I had a dad helped prevent any shenanigans (O and A reference, Dan) as I was a very tousable boy (another one, D.) The fucking guy looked like a balding 60 year old wolf man (ironic Akela) and I remember being creeped the fuck out when he took us to an aqua park one time and seeing the hairy fuck in brown speedos. I don't think he molested anyone but he was caught with child porn. Since then I've stuck to the mantra that any man who volunteers for scouts or even wants to teach kids under the age of say 15, is almost certainly a pedophile.
It’s only hack because it’s so fuxking prevalent.

They had to actually stop allowing men to take the boys camping in my group ribs. And made the mother’s go instead. That’s how many boys were getting fucked dude.

During the second meeting about boys getting fucked a kid kept poking me. My step father was a 6’4-5 extremely mean violent racist alcoholic . He grabbed the kid by the collar in front of both his parents pulled him up to his face. Turned his head stared his father directly in the eyes and whispered “stop, doing, that..” then let go of his shirt while staring at his father for a 5 more seconds.


Still spreading the O&A virus
I was in the Boy Scouts well I think I made it to a certain level I remember two different years we had meetings because the kids were being fucked. Then the third and final meeting it was made a rule only women could take the children camping lmao.
If you look at the list of famous cases of Boy Scouts molestation pretty much all of the perpetrators got parole in a few years. And then were promptly arrested again for child rape and abuse within a year or two. Some are three or four time violators of child abuse yet still get parole and a chance to walk amongst society and children.


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
If you look at the list of famous cases of Boy Scouts molestation pretty much all of the perpetrators got parole in a few years. And then were promptly arrested again for child rape and abuse within a year or two. Some are three or four time violators of child abuse yet still get parole and a chance to walk amongst society and children.
Any organization where you are okay with the people in power having dirt on you (assuming it’s the same kind of dirt) you will avoid all consequences build connections and advance your station in said organization.


The guy relaying the message was a POS oxy addict. I think he stole my American calico cat to sell for drugs but I have no proof. Only thing we had in common is we lived on the same street...even his wife hated him, so I can only imagine the scumbags he hanged out with back east.

There was also the now world famous case of this Colonel who was a serial woman rapist/murderer. The interrogation for that investigation is now used in criminology faculties in universities the world over...they really pounded the guy with that polite, passive/aggressive Canadian jiu-jitsu

I've watched an hour of this video so far. Compelling. That interviewer was so genius, no wonder it's a guide now. Anyway, found this and of course he's a fucked up cross-dresser (he'd take these pictures of himself in homes he had broken into):
