Anyone here know how to make a simple product in a design sense so that its probably simple specs could be sent to china to mass produce? Ive got one

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Peace and love ❤️
Came up with an idea that I figured was already being made. I can't find it for sale online and the comparable items are more complicated and not as good. It's a simple thing but could make bank especially as a word of mouth product. Anyone know how to take a basic sketch and turn it into a real product? I might know a guy but it's late and he has a good engineering job I don't want to bother him on coke time. This might be a real deal high profit idea but I don't want pst to steal it or claim ownership

New Name

Peace and love ❤️
Also would be interested in a money partner but I don't think it's going to require a ton of money to get some first runs made

New Name

Peace and love ❤️
I'll share it with the first person to make a 3d printable file that says Fat Faggot in 3d

New Name

Peace and love ❤️