Anyone have a crazy ass mom?

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Whenever it was that Scary Movie 2 was out on DVD, my mum caught a scene that was "demonic" and ejected the disc, put it in the cover and said "I'm not having that devil shit in the house!" and put it in the back porch.

Other than that, she's a nice and fairly sane lady.


CNN ruined my mom
Same. She got very angry and wouldn't speak to me for months when I said it was obvious that Chris Cuomo was faking COVID. Now whenever she brings up political shit, I just shut it down. I think it genuinely terrifies her when I illustrate how (((uninformed))) she is for watching that shit, so I leave it alone. She's old, fuck it. Also, she's been trained to act like someone shot her cat whenever someone even says Trump's name. I wish I was joking.


★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
My mother forgot to tell me that I owned a share in my father's estate. He died in the 00s. She only told me now because the bank is foreclosing and wants me to take on some of the debt. I suspected some fraud had been committed, because my name is on documents I never knew existed and had to get a lawyer to investigate it and tell them to fuck off and pay my fees. She bakes a nice cake though, but I'll never taste it again.


I'm just sad not every brotherman has a mother like Terry Clifford. She's the mom the forum needs but don't deserve.



Calling all simps
my mom is insane. i stayed there for the weekend, no trash can in the guest room. so i collected my trash in a plastic bag. and i thought you know what, i should just really bring this with me and throw it out somewhere because she's gonna be all up in my business. but i threw it away in the kitchen trash. BIG fucking mistake.
WHAT IS THIS? i just took the trash out last night and now there's something in it. you know how i am!
yes i know how you are you have a guest in your house and an unexpected item in the trash can you can't let anything go
oh my god so stressful