Anybody Play GTA V online still?

Graggle Simpson

its that tight shit. shes only 19 homie

will download it tonight


I hop on every so often but have done everything there needs to be done. Now I just drive around and pick other people up and drop them off to places. Last week I found a player in Paleto Bay walking around so I picked him up in my helicopter and dropped him off into the city. He sent me a thank you message. I'll also escort people as they do their gun running and kill the NPCs for them. I don't even look for a cut.

That's what GTA have become to me. Being a caring player who helps others when they need it.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Was into Really, dude, really? 2 Online for a while, but I'm sure I can figure out horseless carriages and flying machines. Ill install GTA5 tonight and look for some of y'all.

EDIT: I hit pause as it was installing, so I won't be able to play tonight. Maybe tomorrow, gang.
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Barney Gumble

I remember playing it when it first came out. Once some guy in a Santa Claus outfit put a 2 Billion bounty on me. I had everyone in the session after me, so I called my friend IRL and told him to get on real fast and kill me so we could split it. I bought the best apartment and cars/guns. Last time I logged on I still had all of it. I heard they were taking away the $$$ from people who got those enormous bounties out on them. But I spent it already haha holee shiiit