Any point to going concerts sober?

Opie Army

I coulda been a mawdull
Used to be all in on the sobriety at the hardcore shows, I haven't seen live music since 2015, but I was stoned as hell for that, some random band playing Fu Manchu type shit at a bar.
How good are the fucking musicians? I'm a prog/metal snob so the over the top playing could be enjoyed when sober I guess, but you'd be a fucking faggot for doing so. How do you not at least pre-game some beers/shooters in the parking lot?


"AnTi-swaTTing laws"
I'm fine with going to a show sober if I'm familiar with the artist and enjoy their work. But if not I'm gonna get fucked up. Especially if it's phish or something gay like that. I'm gonna be going to do balloons on lot and may not make it inside the venue.

Opie Army

I coulda been a mawdull
I went to a Grateful Dead show with my Uncle, fully sober, My sweet summer child uncle loved music & didn't indulge in drugs at all. I was hoping at some point he'd whip out a joint or some mushrooms & be a cool uncle but no. He got me a sweet bootleg t-shirt that I wish I still had though.


How good are the fucking musicians? I'm a prog/metal snob so the over the top playing could be enjoyed when sober I guess, but you'd be a fucking faggot for doing so. How do you not at least pre-game some beers/shooters in the parking lot?
Because im a fawkin addict!!!