Anthony's hair

HH Brother

I wanna fuck you up the ass, funster.
Imagine telling your guy friends you get your hair done at a beauty parlor. Fucking geriatric grandma faggot.
At some point it became clear that whatever upkeep he did he cutback. Maybe he stopped taking Propecia or stimulating follicles or something like that.

I just remember he described the routine he went through every day after he got his plugs on an old show and there’s no way he’s doing that now. Too much time that he could devote to drinking to excess and yelling at black people online.
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Sue Lightning

His only hope would be to grow his hair long enough to cover his face, but obviously that's not happening. He looks more and more like a Tim Burton character every day.
If he were a man he would just fucking shave it off and go full Joe. Maybe grow out the goatee again to compensate for the lack of head hair. But Anthony is in a perpetual state of wanting to be 15 and would never.