Anthony Cumia tries to hit a dab at LOS





Firshhhht of all, maybe don't do an enormous dab and you won't go into respiratory arrest, stupid old queer. I've been doing dabs for years and always take small ones. Still gets me stoned out of my fucking mind.

Also, I've never heard of Kim Congdon until now but fawwwwwwwwwwwk she's a little cutie patootie. Giving me an ache.


Jay is such an over compensating fruit

and hes a jew

lotta problems with that fatty
He still wears chain wallets and those fingerless gloves. He has to be older than me and I'm almost 40.

He looks like the rape baby of a nu-metal band and a juggalo.

And he's also one of those faggots who claims he's from Philadelphia but he's from King of Prussia. I can't stand people like that. You aren't from the city dude stop saying you are. You're an embarrassment to people who actually grew up there.
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He still wears chain wallets and those fingerless gloves. He has to be older than me and I'm almost 40.

He looks like the rape baby of a nu-metal band and a juggalo.

And he's also one of those faggots who claims he's from Philadelphia but he's from King of Prussia. I can't stand people like that. You aren't from the city dude stop saying you are. You're an embarrassment to people who actually grew up there.

Big jay does great impressions

besides that hes a huge degenerate frat boy

at least thats the image he desperately tries to portray