AntH walks-back his 9/11 boomerism & Beurer goes full redpill

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
While milquetoast might be a legitimate criticism, the alternative is being a bald fat titted man who wants people to ignore 20 years of recorded radio. Opie “believes women”, voted for Biden and Hillary and is as fashionably woke as possible.
He has a hot young wife, and two white, albeit, retarded children. I think he's winning
AntH's political opinions have always been milquetoast parroting of whatever the most generic right-wing talking points happen to be in vogue. He was a war hawk free market fag when Bush and Obama were in power, only to abruptly shift to anti-fed protectionist once Trump got big.
Back when he was doing HVAC work, Tony Two-Shirts was the only guy in his "peer group" who'd ever actually read a book, magazine or newspaper, so he was considered "the smart one". And he began to believe it, like he really was a learned scholarly well-read guy. But really he just parrots various blurbs he sees here and there. Then along came Twitter, which is nothing but blurbs.

What I'm saying here is that Nana doesn't actually know much of anything, he just pretends he does. He reads a headline he saw linked on Drudge and suddenly he's an expert. If you gave him a legit IQ test he'd struggle to break 100.
He has a hot young wife, and two white, albeit, retarded children. I think he's winning

AntH, deluded as he is, is living what he believes is his best life.

Opie lives every day knowing that he is unemployable, that he rode AntH's and the Worm's coattails for 2 decades, and despite a truly embarrassing amount of effort has never succeeded at anything on his own


AntH, deluded as he is, is living what he believes is his best life.

Opie lives every day knowing that he is unemployable, that he rode AntH's and the Worm's coattails for 2 decades, and despite a truly embarrassing amount of effort has never succeeded at anything on his own
Opie could conceivably mend the professional fences he's broken. Anthony is irretrievably lost to his own destructive tendencies.

Do they talk about Opie or are we just having the same old gay fights? If so, is there a timestamp?
Opie could conceivably mend the professional fences he's broken. Anthony is irretrievably lost to his own destructive tendencies.

Yeah, no. AntH was at one point in his career, entertaining. Opie was and always will be ear cancer. In the remotely unlikely event that AntH would clean up his act, he'd get a job some place. Opie's been unemployed for almost half a decade and clearly doesn't want to be.

And despite being human garbage, AntH is still on good terms with most of his old coworkers. No one likes Opie.

Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry
Cumia stirs up controversy and is a “name”. Who is hiring Opie? What does he bring to any show? Regular radio is dead and he gets a couple hundred viewers when he goes live on YouTube. Cumia has a pretty loyal audience of boomers that follow him, who is actually an Opie fan?

Joe Biden

who is actually an Opie fan?