American Man Goes To Poland, Racially Abuses Webmaster


5foot9 and an attitude
Sure we had our Doles and stuff, but in contrast to the shitty Eurofags we were god like in our benevolence.
US foreign aid last year - $51b from a GDP of roughly $19.81t = 0.00257% (figures Dec 2021)
UK foreign aid this year - $11b from a GDP of roughly $2.7t = 0.00407% (actually new figures show GDP has gone down to 2.2t but it's basically a rounding error that helps prove my point more)

Populations size is the only way you can measure these 2 countries and manipulate the idea that the US gives anywhere near the level of aid that the UK does, at which point it's roughly even. But GDP % is the more accurate way to measure benevolence and it's far from 'God like'.

On a positive note, you should concentrate on getting some gastric band surgery for you and your disgusting childen (and wife, yeah I'm gonna go all in on the wife being a fucking disgusting heefter aswell. It's not like a whale the size of your son came out a 28" inch waist is it?)

TLDR - you don't kniow what you're talking about but that doesn't stop you from talking


I like the Boomia, but the cWo is where it’s at.



what next...DeShawn goes to the Congo and records Chinks "cuz they be stealin our lithium, tanzanite, bauxite and shiiiet! Why they don't be giving us jobs tho?"