American Man Goes To Poland, Racially Abuses Webmaster



The irony of an American accusing others of invading other countries..
Other countries loaded with savages that first invaded here and swore they would endeavor to destroy us. Unlike the faggot Dutch who colonized around the globe and literally had death farms to export the raw materials the US built industries that the locals prospered from. Sure we had our Doles and stuff, but in contrast to the shitty Eurofags we were god like in our benevolence. On a side note I'm glad your over the monkeypox. I thought you didn't make it.


Other countries loaded with savages that first invaded here and swore they would endeavor to destroy us. Unlike the faggot Dutch who colonized around the globe and literally had death farms to export the raw materials the US built industries that the locals prospered from. Sure we had our Doles and stuff, but in contrast to the shitty Eurofags we were god like in our benevolence. On a side note I'm glad your over the monkeypox. I thought you didn't make it.


Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Other countries loaded with savages that first invaded here and swore they would endeavor to destroy us. Unlike the faggot Dutch who colonized around the globe and literally had death farms to export the raw materials the US built industries that the locals prospered from. Sure we had our Doles and stuff, but in contrast to the shitty Eurofags we were god like in our benevolence. On a side note I'm glad your over the monkeypox. I thought you didn't make it.
Guys, guys, let's stop the fussin' and the feudin'.

I love y'all.

Old-School-Wrestling-Clips - Beginning of The (New) Hart Foundation! Owen, Bret & British Bull...png


This guy seems like a faggot. I bet he maybe knows one or two phrases in polish but goes “this is my country” lol. Is it, stupid? Pooskin seemed to be minding his own business, like the 10 that live in my city do. Why go out of your way to be some faggot with a phone camera in some rando’s face?
While I completely agree, I would fully support it if he was funny.