Amateur musician hate thread

Check everyone you knew from high school who owned a guitar on social media, 98% of them never made a dime with music but 100% of them post photos of themselves with their guitars, doing an open mic or a kid's birthday
Everyone's having a good time at Timmy's 12th birthday party, then Uncle Joe decides to take out his guitar and serenade everyone with those same tiresome classic rock chestnuts. Ten minutes later, the mood is ruined, as everyone has to stand around being polite while Uncle Joe makes everyone uncomfortable with his over-emoting during "Layla". Everyone hates those people, and I mean everyone.


Holding hands in a circle of N-words
Why does he buy such long ties?
Because one day he's gonna nut up and do his hanging Munchkin routine...


...or it's just a regular tie.

I don't if you noticed but he's really really small.

N64 Cube

Patrick S. Tomlinson staring in “Liquor Pig”
Anyone remember that one fag in high school that always brought out the acoustic guitar at every party? He always tried to play some shitty Sublime song? Like Santeria


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Yeah, I know one of these. He's been playing guitar for thirty years and he carries it like he's a "singer/songwriter" but his music is just abysmally bad. Now he gives guitar lessons and pimps himself like he's a "music educator", single-handedly passing the rock and roll torch to future generations. The next time I see him I'm going to punch him in the face, just for being so gay.
Yeah he didn't even start playing guitar until like 2 years ago and now thinks he's some awesome musician. He's always on Facebook going on about the music industry and trying to sound like some smart hipster when he just comes off as smug as shit.