Amateur musician hate thread


yep yep yep yep yep


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
There is a really annoying dude I went to school with who does really shitty folk music and thinks he's hot shit because of it, but all of his music is shit. He always goes to open mic nights and will be like "Hey guys, I'm going on a small tour and playing these shows". No you aren't faggot, you are going to play at some shitty bar with other shitty musicians like you because nobody would never pay to listen to your trash music.
There is a really annoying dude I went to school with who does really shitty folk music and thinks he's hot shit because of it, but all of his music is shit. He always goes to open mic nights and will be like "Hey guys, I'm going on a small tour and playing these shows". No you aren't faggot, you are going to play at some shitty bar with other shitty musicians like you because nobody would never pay to listen to your trash music.
Yeah, I know one of these. He's been playing guitar for thirty years and he carries it like he's a "singer/songwriter" but his music is just abysmally bad. Now he gives guitar lessons and pimps himself like he's a "music educator", single-handedly passing the rock and roll torch to future generations. The next time I see him I'm going to punch him in the face, just for being so gay.


There is a really annoying dude I went to school with who does really shitty folk music and thinks he's hot shit because of it, but all of his music is shit. He always goes to open mic nights and will be like "Hey guys, I'm going on a small tour and playing these shows". No you aren't faggot, you are going to play at some shitty bar with other shitty musicians like you because nobody would never pay to listen to your trash music.
Check everyone you knew from high school who owned a guitar on social media, 98% of them never made a dime with music but 100% of them post photos of themselves with their guitars, doing an open mic or a kid's birthday