Alternate timeline. Imagine if you will...


Designated Shitposter
Let's all be SciFi writers (without the childfucking, of course.)

Imagine that your least favorite obese, European-sweatered SciFi author has a daughter. Hard to imagine I know, but follow me a sec. He has a daughter and he is actually involved in her upbringing. He is the parent who spends the most time with the child (child) because of course his wife works and of course he still doesn't, even though it's an alternate timeline.

Anyway, what does he teach his young daughter, based on what we know about his goals and values?
When she's eight, what are their favorite activities together?
What becomes of her after high school?




Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
So you're saying he just "has" a daughter. He still doesn't give a shit about her anymore than in this timeline? That probably checks out.
No I'm saying the fat fuck would rape and kill his own child so he and his retarded cunt dyke jew wife can have childish vacations and collect all-inclusive nigger farts, pal.


Pat would check out completely after about 2 weeks after she expressed no interest in his toys or Star Wars, and he realizes that kids are a giant pain in the ass to raise and not just a little playmate.

She'd end up in CPS custody cause he'd forget to do her laundry too many times or even feed her.

There'd still be tons of tweeted pictures of them both whenever he wanted to say "as a father..." and comment on some woman's rights issue.
Isn't the crazy twat only 5'1" or something like that? I hope the rest of her life is filled with being called a feminine manlet faggot.
The thing they don’t figure on is no straight woman is going to want a small scrawny “guy” like that. A lesbian wants a woman not a trooned out one. Gay guys want actual cock. Only option for “him” are the freaks at SFWA.