Gay Faggot.

A SEDUCTIVE heifer of the SEAS
You guys can’t live without me. It’s as CRAZY as it is HILARIOUS.🤣🤣🤣 How stupid are you retards??? Oh I’m sorry. Let me rephrase that. How retarded are you fucking morons??? NOTHING??? Oh. So you’re retarded. No SURPRISE.😎🖕🏻🖕🏻

Lets go over your RETARDATION over my personal life. Yes, I have a hot wife. Yes, im over 6ft tall. Yes, youre a pussy bitch who doesn’t know anything about the “CUMIA bros”. It’s that SIMPLE . Really it’s that simple. “See Further:”

You guys shit on my lil bro and I yet, you guys have given us millions of dollars. What does that say about YOU???? I’ll tell you. It says you’re a bunch of fucking PUSSIES!!!!🤣🤣🤣

#LaFamiglia #LetsGoBrandon #BoomerRights!!!