Alex Jones going savage mode on the faggot sandy hook families



I'm not a contrarian by nature but the seething reddit faggotry that gets upset at flat earth makes me want to believe it just to annoy those types.
I don't even understand what the issue is. You can think the earth is flat and it will have no bearing on your life one way or the other. It's a non-issue for the vast majority of people.

It's just reddit fags mad that people aren't trusting the science, I guess.

Barnaby Jones

Rock & Rye
I believe it happened. Weird little autist likely had a stash of KP on his harddrive, thought feds were getting close to him, took out his weird sexpest feelings with bullets.

But also I don't fucking care.


Alex Jones is a conman who refuses to address the JQ because he knows that would be the end of his bank account. Pretends to believe conspiracies that he himself doesn't believe while refusing those that would be bad for business. Him losing the defamation case even if the CIA was behind Sandy Hook is karma.

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
Alex Jones is a conman who refuses to address the JQ because he knows that would be the end of his bank account. Pretends to believe conspiracies that he himself doesn't believe while refusing those that would be bad for business. Him losing the defamation case even if the CIA was behind Sandy Hook is karma.

His wife is a kike just like Rogan. I think their wives attended temple together.


You guys dont actually think Sandy Hook was fake right? Lmao, yeah lets gets thousands of people including every local first responder to be in on a big prank
Why was there no ambulances and so few first responders? How did they know that everyone was dead? How the fuck was his kill rate 100%? Also, the dude weight maybe 110 pounds soaking wet, but he was armed to teeth and carrying a bag guns and he rifle?

Finally, the medical examiner who gave the press conference was a fucking clown- he could barely hide his laughter.

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
I've said it before I think.

But the turning point for me to thinking it was fake, let alone the medical examiner, the dad laughing, and other shit; was photos of the shooters mom.

The mom in the photos looks fake as fuck. Like every photo shes posing. and no photos with her son. lol.

there are tons of shit that points to it being fake. All scrubbed from YT. There was a press conference like 2 or 3 days after the shooting with a high ranking cop. He is giving 4th wall references in the speech. telling people not to question shit; and also for the "workers" to do their role.

there was also news footage that was played over seas but edited for America. Where they question kids what they heard in the halls.

and years later, when this shit was still allowed in YT, someone noticed that there were a ton of trees in the loading dock area of the school.

It was Christmas time, and they planted those trees in honor of all the students that were "killed". conveniently they already had the trees cut down. :rolleyes:



I believe it happened. Weird little autist likely had a stash of KP on his harddrive, thought feds were getting close to him, took out his weird sexpest feelings with bullets.

But also I don't fucking care.
Man loved your show in syndication in the 70's, in fact all of the Quinn Martin stuff. TYFYS
Why was there no ambulances and so few first responders? How did they know that everyone was dead? How the fuck was his kill rate 100%? Also, the dude weight maybe 110 pounds soaking wet, but he was armed to teeth and carrying a bag guns and he rifle?

Finally, the medical examiner who gave the press conference was a fucking clown- he could barely hide his laughter.
Why dont you think there were ambulances there