Alex Jones going savage mode on the faggot sandy hook families

Newtown High School is one of the larger schools by population in CT. When they won the state title in football on the anniversary of Sandy Hook a few years ago I found it really fucking odd that only one kid had any connection to the shooting. None of the players were survivors, one sibling lost, on a roster of probably 75-100 kids. It was just kind of mentioned and not elaborated on. Not a smoking gun for anything but I found it odd given how big of an event it is in the public conscience that there really wasn't anything deeper to it than the team saying "we had to win it for the town." They didn't interview the kid with the dead brother, no players said "I wanted to win this for my friend who lost his sister" none of that shit, just general a statement.


Mel BJ quote fulfillster

Funny as fuck

The Alex Jones trial was rigged from the start & the lawyer literally stood-up & said he wanted to 'destroy Jones & make sure he (or anyone like him could never have a platform again', so not surprising he's a little unhinged.

There was some weirdness about Sandy Hook; one that sticks with me was video which showed a bereaved father having a laugh & joke with the cameramen & then instantly switching-on the tears & emotion when they went live. I know people handle grief differently & sometimes in odd ways (myself included), but that one looked real weird.


The Alex Jones trial was rigged from the start & the lawyer literally stood-up & said he wanted to 'destroy Jones & make sure he (or anyone like him could never have a platform again', so not surprising he's a little unhinged.

There was some weirdness about Sandy Hook; one that sticks with me was video which showed a bereaved father having a laugh & joke with the cameramen & then instantly switching-on the tears & emotion when they went live. I know people handle grief differently & sometimes in odd ways (myself included), but that one looked real weird.
I can never keep school shootings straight. Was this one they demolished the building after it happened or was that after?


Oh man, he ripped on flat earthers? What a fucking maverick!
His format at first, when he was "All Gas No Brakes" was just handing people the mic and letting them do it themselves. Now he's an active voice in the interview and it completely ruined his format.
