Well... Back in 2018 a company made a low-budget but good movie about a guy hunting and killing child pornographers. Fox Studios bought it for $14 million, and were getting ready to release it.
Then, Disney bought Fox, and for some strange unfathomable reason they decided that they didn't want to release a movie about a vigilante killing unrepentant pedophiles, and so they sat on it for years and years. Then some other company bought it for too much money (because they thought it was important) and had to raise the money to advertise it via crowdfunding. They raised $5 million for it, because people thought it was important, and released it in US cinemas, as they couldn't afford a worldwide release.
Meanwhile, the woman at Disney who ruined Luke Skywalker by making him an old, bitter, incompetent man who'd be replaced by a younger charisma-vacuum of an actress by the end of the movie was about to release a new Indiana Jones film; featuring Indy as an old, bitter, incompetent man who'd be replaced by a younger charisma-vacuum of an actress by the end of the movie.
The Sound of Freedom came out one week after Indiana Jones and the Charisma Hole Who Replaces Him and Whom You Will Love or Else, Fascist and promptly ate Indy's lunch, making a profit after the first weekend in the US alone, and making everyone question why the execs at Disney refused to release a massively profitable movie that they already owned about a man killing unrepentant pedophiles.
In completely unrelated news, here's Harrison Ford presenting Roman Polanski with his Academy Award for Best Director.
Mr Polanski was unable to attend the ceremony as he was on the run after getting a 13 year old girl drunk, and then when that didn't make her compliant enough, drugging her; and then raping her in her mouth, vagina and anus.
He took pictures, too.