A high voltage “thermal event”/explosion that happened at jobsite this week.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
This is an inverter attached to a step up transformer. This is the result of a backfeed of 34.5k volts and a failure of the breakers/fuses in place to prevent this. Im a faggot, but i thought these pics were pretty cool. Its probably a multi-million dollar event after factoring in lack of production for the length of investigation and then the months of fighting about warranty coverage. Someone smarter than me can correct this part, but the engineers (that are 1000x smarter than me) said something like due to the corona effect, there was so much electricity inside the cabinet, it liquified the copper cables and ionized+magnetized the air and shot liquid buckshot 100’s of feet all around the effected area. The last picture is a computer screen that we collect data from, so 50% of the time someone is standing right there with their face right in front of it.


White nigger slayer

Howdy, sassy white niggers!
This is an inverter attached to a step up transformer. This is the result of a backfeed of 34.5k volts and a failure of the breakers/fuses in place to prevent this. Im a faggot, but i thought these pics were pretty cool. Its probably a multi-million dollar event after factoring in lack of production for the length of investigation and then the months of fighting about warranty coverage. Someone smarter than me can correct this part, but the engineers (that are 1000x smarter than me) said something like due to the corona effect, there was so much electricity inside the cabinet, it liquified the copper cables and ionized+magnetized the air and shot liquid buckshot 100’s of feet all around the effected area. The last picture is a computer screen that we collect data from, so 50% of the time someone is standing right there with their face right in front of it.

"shot liquid buckshot 100’s of feet all around the effected area."

I'm sooo stealing that!


