A Compilation of Anthony Cumia’s Race “””Jokes”””, 11/07/2012

Sue Lightning


My last post yesterday was about how Anthony is retconning his past and how racist he was on the show. Before I start, let me clarify my problem here isn’t me sitting like an SJW screaming that Ant is racist. It’s the fact that he’s dishonest about just how racist he was and dishonest about how fun or funny his racism was. To simplify this I decided to take audio from just one show, the show after Obama was reelected. Apparently this will make great fodder for the radio, gang!

(3:20) There is a certain element of people who’ve been ravaged economically in the last 4 years - And THEYRE the ones celebrating the most! THEYRE SO STUPID - THEYRE SO FUCKING STUPID THEYD RATHER look at this man with an emotional attachment instead of any reasonable thought. With the shitty situation theyre in economically and think, maybe, perhaps, the President should have a business mentality… But no - They look at this man. They see that he looks similar to them, and THATS their excitement! So they JUMP AROUND and DANCE IN THE STREETS all the while their unemployment is twice that of the national level, the poverty level is out of fucking control, and they’re happy that this guys in for 4 more years?”

(5:30) “Remember hearing over the years that we’re losing the white majority and that hispanics and blacks are coming up and the whites will be the minority over time? And you always wondered Well what will that look like when that DOES happen? Well we’re looking at it right now. We’re having people vote people in office purely based on the color of their skin and based on emotion.”

(15:13) “I am now completely done with catering to any black causes, being called a racist, any of these EXCUSES that racism has come into play in their life and they can’t do this, they can’t do that, they’re being blocked from this, that, affirmative action, that’s all done. And I mean this time really fucking done. If i want to use racial epithets, i’m just gonna use them! Anyone else can! Congratulations black people! You made it! You’re not officially part of the country!”

(16:00) “…You’ll have to deal with a certain amount of hatred and racism, based on your behavior BY THE WAY. But congrats black people, you’re in!”

(18:50) Opie: “You should see this in a positive way, this is your jumping off point. This is your chance to become a political talk show host.”
Jimmy: “Did you hear the first twenty minutes of this show? Fox is not gonna hire that and say ‘Ok cool, cause you didn’t actually say it, you just said they look like him and they’re dumb.” [Lol. Foreshadowing.]

(30:46) Opie: “Furious Trump calls for Revolution after disgusting injustice sham and travesty of Obamas victory.”
Ant: …”Trump demanding a revolution, instead of if it went the other way where cities would be burning today.”
Trump: “MORE VOTES = A LOSS! REVOLUTION! LETS FIGHT LIKE HELL AND STOP THIS GREAT AND DISGUSTING INJUSTICE. The world is laughing at us! We can’t let this happen! We should march on Washington and stop this travesty! Our nation is totally divided!”
Opie: “Well he should start marching and see who fuckin joins him!”
[Lol. More foreshadowing.]

(47:38) Jimmy: “He doesn’t have a blaccent, he’s a fuckin Harvard law journal nerd.”
Ant: “OH IS HE? IS HE? I don’t know! I Don’t know! I haven’t seen anything from Harvard or any of these other fuckin universities! How about you release that shit now? How about you release that shit and we see what you’re REALLY ABOUT?”

I had to stop here. I listened to this full show a week or so ago so I know there’s more in here but I can’t subject myself to this shit. TLDR Anthony is a retarded mong like his brother with no understanding of politics. Or humor.


Go work. Get Sandwiches

My last post yesterday was about how Anthony is retconning his past and how racist he was on the show. Before I start, let me clarify my problem here isn’t me sitting like an SJW screaming that Ant is racist. It’s the fact that he’s dishonest about just how racist he was and dishonest about how fun or funny his racism was. To simplify this I decided to take audio from just one show, the show after Obama was reelected. Apparently this will make great fodder for the radio, gang!

(3:20) There is a certain element of people who’ve been ravaged economically in the last 4 years - And THEYRE the ones celebrating the most! THEYRE SO STUPID - THEYRE SO FUCKING STUPID THEYD RATHER look at this man with an emotional attachment instead of any reasonable thought. With the shitty situation theyre in economically and think, maybe, perhaps, the President should have a business mentality… But no - They look at this man. They see that he looks similar to them, and THATS their excitement! So they JUMP AROUND and DANCE IN THE STREETS all the while their unemployment is twice that of the national level, the poverty level is out of fucking control, and they’re happy that this guys in for 4 more years?”

(5:30) “Remember hearing over the years that we’re losing the white majority and that hispanics and blacks are coming up and the whites will be the minority over time? And you always wondered Well what will that look like when that DOES happen? Well we’re looking at it right now. We’re having people vote people in office purely based on the color of their skin and based on emotion.”

(15:13) “I am now completely done with catering to any black causes, being called a racist, any of these EXCUSES that racism has come into play in their life and they can’t do this, they can’t do that, they’re being blocked from this, that, affirmative action, that’s all done. And I mean this time really fucking done. If i want to use racial epithets, i’m just gonna use them! Anyone else can! Congratulations black people! You made it! You’re not officially part of the country!”

(16:00) “…You’ll have to deal with a certain amount of hatred and racism, based on your behavior BY THE WAY. But congrats black people, you’re in!”

(18:50) Opie: “You should see this in a positive way, this is your jumping off point. This is your chance to become a political talk show host.”
Jimmy: “Did you hear the first twenty minutes of this show? Fox is not gonna hire that and say ‘Ok cool, cause you didn’t actually say it, you just said they look like him and they’re dumb.” [Lol. Foreshadowing.]

(30:46) Opie: “Furious Trump calls for Revolution after disgusting injustice sham and travesty of Obamas victory.”
Ant: …”Trump demanding a revolution, instead of if it went the other way where cities would be burning today.”
Trump: “MORE VOTES = A LOSS! REVOLUTION! LETS FIGHT LIKE HELL AND STOP THIS GREAT AND DISGUSTING INJUSTICE. The world is laughing at us! We can’t let this happen! We should march on Washington and stop this travesty! Our nation is totally divided!”
Opie: “Well he should start marching and see who fuckin joins him!”
[Lol. More foreshadowing.]

(47:38) Jimmy: “He doesn’t have a blaccent, he’s a fuckin Harvard law journal nerd.”
Ant: “OH IS HE? IS HE? I don’t know! I Don’t know! I haven’t seen anything from Harvard or any of these other fuckin universities! How about you release that shit now? How about you release that shit and we see what you’re REALLY ABOUT?”

I had to stop here. I listened to this full show a week or so ago so I know there’s more in here but I can’t subject myself to this shit. TLDR Anthony is a retarded mong like his brother with no understanding of politics. Or humor.

You have it all wrong. It was a act. Nana explains in this clip. His racism is a act "F/N".



Which way?! Medium or well done?
Ultimately, I think their collective laziness did them in and created a vacuum for AntH to fill with his race rants. If they did show prep and cared, they'd have...now i'm going to sound like the sketch loving caller...an agenda or something.

Instead they rolled in at 5:55 and AntH was more than happy to just do unplanned rants about blacks to eat up the quarter hourssss

Sue Lightning

Isn’t it such a coincidence that the day before Anthony is talking extremely fearfully about how black people will use Obama as president as an excuse to do whatever they want and someone questions if it’s REALLY going to be that bad.

Then, the next day, he just so happens to come in with a story about how some black youths disrupted him at a traffic light….at 5 am in New York City…all while invoking Obamas name as a right to do what they please. What a fucking coincidence.