A bunch of Marvel and Disney bullshit got announced

And I just want everyone up in arms about it to drop dead. Hundreds of thousands of retarded adult men and women are in prolonged arguments about superheros and mermaids and Lady Hulks and Brie Larsons and I just need every one of them to get their heads lobbed off by dem Ackbar Boys. I feel like I got a touch of the GRIDS myself by having just briefly looked at them going at it.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Agree fully. It's entertainment for dullards who like to watch things go "boom".
I prefer "bang."



It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
It's the bread & circuses routine. They have thoroughly infantalized the brains of at least two generations through two decades of children's media. This robs them of the ability to detect nuance and think critically - they can only see things in a binary, good / evil or black / white manner.

This way, it's easier to convince the masses that anything going against the current narrative - the "good" - must by it's very nature be "bad", with no degrees or nuance. It's almost like brainwashing. It's how dumb people see calling out troons is "bad", even as it erodes women's place in culture and, over time, can ultimately have negative connotations for the population.


Shock Jock
It's the bread & circuses routine. They have thoroughly infantalized the brains of at least two generations through two decades of children's media. This robs them of the ability to detect nuance and think critically - they can only see things in a binary, good / evil or black / white manner.

This way, it's easier to convince the masses that anything going against the current narrative - the "good" - must by it's very nature be "bad", with no degrees or nuance. It's almost like brainwashing. It's how dumb people see calling out troons is "bad", even as it erodes women's place in culture and, over time, can ultimately have negative connotations for the population.
This tribalism you’re describing has existed for all of human history

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
I will end up watching Willow. Fucking faggy, I know.

But I don't think I have seen a superhero movie besides Batman since the 1st end game movie. I know some day I'll sit and watch the superman movie with all the different spider mans, but it's such a pain in the fucking ass.

And, Star Wars got REALLY fucking gay.