9/10 wife


For only $175 you could be turning heads with this butthole necklace.

That shits gotta weigh 20 pounds. But bless her heart for trying.

She looks like she regularly bathes, doesn't wear the same clothes in every picture, is under 300 pounds, and has never been committed to a mental institution. That makes her a rarity in our world.

Faggot Boqposter

Dangerously sassy
“Jon honey…why is there a schizophrenic black woman posting pictures of our kids online?”

“Well you see I tried to Kool Aid man my way in to a community that turns on literally every person who interacts with it. I thought that given my slap fight with Patrick tomlinson and my pro-Christian children sexualization comics, I would be accepted as some sort of spiritual leader. Turns out that while most of them do think of me as a spiritual leader, there are one or two who haven’t yet found Christ in the bodies of 12 year old cartoon girls. They’ll come around. Now go away..I’ve got to post there about this epic own I just laid on patricks latest tweet”