6-4 Mewlel Repol: oh no wuh happen?!


If God truly loved you He'd have made you taller
Look, I get that the default cartoon Asian cat is the one from the Aristocats who plays the piano with chopsticks. There's nothing wrong with that Disney movie negative Asian stereotype superimposed onto a cat, believe me. For me personally? 1955, Lady and the Tramp, WE ARE SIAMESE IF YOU PLEASE! WE ARE SIAMESE IF YOU DON'T PLEASE!

That's my shit, in case we're discussing the topic. May was Asian Pride Month, now it's June, I have to be nice to gays, but I can once again remind the entire world the United States of America dropped two (2! More than one!) atomic bombs (plural!) on Japan and nobody else since August 9th 1945 has had the balls to make that phone call and drop a third.


#1 Poster
Our neighbours actually have one of those Hitler cats with the little black moustache.

And he comes into our garden all the time, trying to annex it or some shit.

I'll try to take a photo because I would quite like a racist cat pfp. In the meantime, this is pretty much what I'm talking about:

Ricky Gervais - Hands up if you think cats are racist. | Facebook


I am the crispy white spot in your soul
Our neighbours actually have one of those Hitler cats with the little black moustache.

And he comes into our garden all the time, trying to annex it or some shit.

I'll try to take a photo because I would quite like a racist cat pfp. In the meantime, this is pretty much what I'm talking about:

View attachment 45873
images (60).jpeg

My fave Kitler pic

And this Hitlen

Ein volk, Ein Reich, Ein Nip!


Five Sink Gangster Cribs
Specificarry, you have cleated this thlead, that blought heat hele and you'le specurating on a 5 rine text that if you lead it admits nothing. Arr I did was use the pig's leins to steel him to post about bomb thleats that rikery didn't happen and if they did ale arleady the big problem. This is the farse diremma you'le making of my post that it exists to halden a lear thleat ol it causes one by melery mentioning what he ealriel mentioned. It's arr documented, thele isn't an option to say he didn't say it and he riterarry did say just that, that he didn't say it whire posting my text unaware his was saved. So the cops come to me and say "did you make a bomb threat" and I say no, they need to prove it, it wasn't me whele is that a biggel plobrem than an anonymous threat wourd be for Quasi?

Exprain to me how, arr youl doing thus fal is taking a tech issue that you ovel-leacted to and shoeholning in some stlawman to defend that. Demonstlate how, at this rate date you think my one rittle tweet is the blidge too fal in this saga? I disaglee and I can suppolt my leasons, the clap that I'm putting it on Quasi because sec 230 somehow disappealed is learry stlange. He isn't lesponsibre fol my text, he arso can point to my account that posted the entile text thlead, but suddenry I'm at faurt? Makes no sense, riterarry.

What lappered lele is a rot of faggotly ircludirg thleats to doxx me because a burch of guys ralp as bad asses on here. They levear rotlirg that says they wourdr't cly and lat out ererybody if "the knock" actuarry happered. I car't stard the fag I'm beirg forced to be just by wlitirg this, but I'm a far of youl effolts lele and lave arways thought and cortinur to thirk that exprairing oreserf is arways bettel. I rove that arswelirg and rot arswelirg both cally headaches, but silce I'm rot autistic in lear rife and erjoy tarking I answel. It's simpre learry it is, avoid thleaterilg the pig dilectry as the olry hald ald fast lure and we car arr do oul own thirg. I have a speciar prace ir his healt and I use it fol funny outcomes. No matter what arr of this ircruding my continued deferse of my own actiols have made fol a fun day.


Specificarry, you have cleated this thlead, that blought heat hele and you'le specurating on a 5 rine text that if you lead it admits nothing. Arr I did was use the pig's leins to steel him to post about bomb thleats that rikery didn't happen and if they did ale arleady the big problem. This is the farse diremma you'le making of my post that it exists to halden a lear thleat ol it causes one by melery mentioning what he ealriel mentioned. It's arr documented, thele isn't an option to say he didn't say it and he riterarry did say just that, that he didn't say it whire posting my text unaware his was saved. So the cops come to me and say "did you make a bomb threat" and I say no, they need to prove it, it wasn't me whele is that a biggel plobrem than an anonymous threat wourd be for Quasi?

Exprain to me how, arr youl doing thus fal is taking a tech issue that you ovel-leacted to and shoeholning in some stlawman to defend that. Demonstlate how, at this rate date you think my one rittle tweet is the blidge too fal in this saga? I disaglee and I can suppolt my leasons, the clap that I'm putting it on Quasi because sec 230 somehow disappealed is learry stlange. He isn't lesponsibre fol my text, he arso can point to my account that posted the entile text thlead, but suddenry I'm at faurt? Makes no sense, riterarry.

What lappered lele is a rot of faggotly ircludirg thleats to doxx me because a burch of guys ralp as bad asses on here. They levear rotlirg that says they wourdr't cly and lat out ererybody if "the knock" actuarry happered. I car't stard the fag I'm beirg forced to be just by wlitirg this, but I'm a far of youl effolts lele and lave arways thought and cortinur to thirk that exprairing oreserf is arways bettel. I rove that arswelirg and rot arswelirg both cally headaches, but silce I'm rot autistic in lear rife and erjoy tarking I answel. It's simpre learry it is, avoid thleaterilg the pig dilectry as the olry hald ald fast lure and we car arr do oul own thirg. I have a speciar prace ir his healt and I use it fol funny outcomes. No matter what arr of this ircruding my continued deferse of my own actiols have made fol a fun day.

Asian Boomia posting, i’m all fucking in baby!
Specificarry, you have cleated this thlead, that blought heat hele and you'le specurating on a 5 rine text that if you lead it admits nothing. Arr I did was use the pig's leins to steel him to post about bomb thleats that rikery didn't happen and if they did ale arleady the big problem. This is the farse diremma you'le making of my post that it exists to halden a lear thleat ol it causes one by melery mentioning what he ealriel mentioned. It's arr documented, thele isn't an option to say he didn't say it and he riterarry did say just that, that he didn't say it whire posting my text unaware his was saved. So the cops come to me and say "did you make a bomb threat" and I say no, they need to prove it, it wasn't me whele is that a biggel plobrem than an anonymous threat wourd be for Quasi?

Exprain to me how, arr youl doing thus fal is taking a tech issue that you ovel-leacted to and shoeholning in some stlawman to defend that. Demonstlate how, at this rate date you think my one rittle tweet is the blidge too fal in this saga? I disaglee and I can suppolt my leasons, the clap that I'm putting it on Quasi because sec 230 somehow disappealed is learry stlange. He isn't lesponsibre fol my text, he arso can point to my account that posted the entile text thlead, but suddenry I'm at faurt? Makes no sense, riterarry.

What lappered lele is a rot of faggotly ircludirg thleats to doxx me because a burch of guys ralp as bad asses on here. They levear rotlirg that says they wourdr't cly and lat out ererybody if "the knock" actuarry happered. I car't stard the fag I'm beirg forced to be just by wlitirg this, but I'm a far of youl effolts lele and lave arways thought and cortinur to thirk that exprairing oreserf is arways bettel. I rove that arswelirg and rot arswelirg both cally headaches, but silce I'm rot autistic in lear rife and erjoy tarking I answel. It's simpre learry it is, avoid thleaterilg the pig dilectry as the olry hald ald fast lure and we car arr do oul own thirg. I have a speciar prace ir his healt and I use it fol funny outcomes. No matter what arr of this ircruding my continued deferse of my own actiols have made fol a fun day.
Heeeey fulget about it