2Pac fucking sucks


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
I don't dislike rap and have tried to give his music a chance but it's shite. Every song is about the fucking PO-lice or lil hommies on the streets. It's fucking boring. The music isn't even that good either.

I just don't understand why the fucker is held up as being the goat when it comes to rap. There's so many others who've done better music in that genre than him.

Rink Lee Fa Ni

I'd take even the likes of that Commie cocksucker Zack de la Rocha over Tupac, because at least his songs are earnest. Tupac is as manufactured as it gets.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Most overrated rapper of all time. He had like two good songs and everything else is redundant as shit. Funny enough I don't know a single black person who even likes 2pac, I remember all the spanish kids worshiping him in high school though. He only got popular after he died because he was murdered young and he had all these lame faux philosophical takes that kids think are deep.

I do enjoy this song though



I think Tupac is basically the reverse of Prince, who dressed in womens clothes and sang falsetto to convince everybody he was androgynous but in reality was an eccentric, based Jehovah’s Witness who played high school sports.

Edit: I’m not going to lie, I do like some of Tupac's stuff, I could care less that he wasn’t actually a gangster. In fact, I’d rather more rappers were like Tupac than what the pillheads they push out there today.

As far as I can tell, the only one who was actually a gangster was Suge Knight.
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The only thing worse than his music was this godawful piece of shit.
