If you use tech as your yardstick for how much has changed, then yeah, there's not a lot to say. In 2015, you could get a large screen smartphone, a smartwatch, an electric car, bluetooth headphones, subscriptions to a bunch of streaming services, and if you built a high-end desktop computer, it could still run any game released today, albeit at low-medium settings.
The biggest changes are in society. There are a metric shitload more foreigners in the west, when there were already too many back in '15. It's now a common thing even in smaller cities to have some beaner come up to you with their phone running Google Translate in order to ask you a question. Prices are very high. A full fast food meal costs about the same as a night out at the Cheesecake Factory, somehow. Everyone is understaffed, yet paradoxically not hiring anyone. Christianity seems to be rising once again. The people who were screaming about how much we need diversity back in '15 are today ranting behind closed doors about how much they hate Indian men.
Oh and, to round it back to technology, a lot of shit we took for granted a decade ago just sucks ass now. Dating sites are full of bots. Tons of niche shit is gated behind private Discord channels. YouTube censorship is out of hand, like how creators have to censor the word "suicide", even when contextually appropriate. You can't even pick up unknown phone calls without it all but certainly being a scam from India.
Actually, a lot of changes in the past decade come down to India just running wild, and everyone else having to put up with their bullshit. Fucking nobody likes them except for powerful people who profit off of their cheap labor.