You guys watch Louie's shows?

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
recommend or no?

I know Lucky Louie is the studio audience type of shit, i've seen some clips, is it good?
And the "Louie" may be more gay yet realistic, is it worth watching cause i just found out it had a bunch of seasons

where we at with the profession masterbaiter's shows?


Self Styled Brothaman
Lucky Louie is miserable.

It's not popular around here to say, but I liked Louie a lot at the time it was coming out. I haven't seen it since and probably am due for a rewatch of some episodes to see what I think now.

He's a good writer and filmmaker and gets the mix of pathos and comedy down very well. He also veers into his embarrassing bleeding heart shit so your enjoyment will probably hinge somewhat on your tolerance for that. It's a lot more entertaining and interesting than having him beat off in front of you in a hotel room, I'll say that.

Don't watch Lucky Louie though, it stinks.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Lucky Louie is like watching a show within a show thats suppose to be bad stretched out to half an hour. It's complete dogshit.

Louie had some good episodes, but so much of it was also just artsy fartsy pretentious shit as well. The 4th season was some of the most self-indulgent television I've ever seen.

I never watched the one about the bar he did.

I Love You, Daddy is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
Norton didn't even have to act to pretend to be a retard--

He's such a shitty actor, breaks character the second he slaps the pizza, thankfully Mike Haggerty is a pro and immediately saves the scene by following suit. Lucky Louie was fucking garbage.

Louie was a decent show, the overarching plots of each season were shitty romances but individual episodes had great moments. The Bob Kelly scenes were great, Charles Grodin at the end was a fucking legend

Horace and Pete was weird, but Steve Buscemi and Edie Falco were good, i'm a total faggot for saying this but episode 3 where his ex-wife gives a 30 minute long continuous monologue was an incredible performance. Kurt Metzger was fucking terrible, same shitty bug eyed performance as Norton. Steven Wright was a boss.
I'd say the first 2-3 seasons of Louie are mostly good, before the art fag stuff.



Joe's Filipino Supervisor
recommend or no?

I know Lucky Louie is the studio audience type of shit, i've seen some clips, is it good?
And the "Louie" may be more gay yet realistic, is it worth watching cause i just found out it had a bunch of seasons

where we at with the profession masterbaiter's shows?
Early Louis was really good, but then he started whiffing his own farts and it got so fucking pretentious. His wife in the show is black and he's got 2 blonde haired daughters and got bent out of shape when he was questioned about it. However the museum scene with big Jay voice over is great and Blobby as his brother is good too