You ever seen someone rip into someone else worse than this?

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
I was in a class once where the instructor was a veteran, and one day he told us a very personal and emotional story about a boy he knew who died in combat in Iraq. One of the other students was fucking around on his phone and I think he whispered to someone else.
What followed was about five solid minutes of the most intense "HOW DARE YOU" and "YOU DON'T HAVE THE GUTS" and "WHY I OUGHTA" I've ever personally witnessed while the rest of the assembled sat in stunned silence. Imagine a GunnySgt Hartmann walrus dressing down a Pvt Pyle fawn.
That clip seems contrived, what kind of fancy restaurant with an exposed kitchen has the sous chef cursing at the top of his lungs during dinner? If it was that place in Philly or wherever where they talk shit before serving you a cheesesteak, fair enough.


Still spreading the O&A virus
There's no way I'd just stand there like a pussy and let anyone treat me like that in a kitchen or anywhere else.
You would if they paid you to do it. These reality shows are fake. They told the the one guy to read the orders and then the other guy yells at him.
That clip seems contrived, what kind of fancy restaurant with an exposed kitchen has the sous chef cursing at the top of his lungs during dinner?


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
They are scripted but anyone with fine dining experience can tell you chefs are usually assholes to everyone, up to and including yelling/getting in their face
I worked in a very nice restaurant for a year and it never got much nastier than backhanded quips. Usually it was deserved. Never any yelling. Worked in a shitty pizza place for a week and 1/3 of the people were always screaming at each other.