You ever realize how untalented The Wiggles are?


Can't let your young watch whatever the hoozles are pushing out there. You have to autistically program the approved material until they're the age where socializing comes into play. You don't want them to have nothing in common with others, but then they get to feel unique and smart for knowing older shit. That was a persona itself in high school... Wow! How do you know about that 80s song, you must have google like everyone else

Just a few years ago I didn't have such an overprotective view, but look at Snapchat. Only glorifies and advertises content of porn stars, onlyfans whores, trannies, and freak shows. Nice letting your kid become a mark at electronic circus 24/7, stupid.

My little idiot nephews nieces will watch whatever I deem appropriate.
If they really want to see something badly they should have to sneak behind our backs like we all had to.
This on demand shit and the fact that parents just leave them unchecked online is just wildlife level stupid.
Imagine letting one of your little brats stick their cam in your face all day like phil margera.