you ever fucked an older woman?


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Sure have, as a younger man at least. I'm older now, and my beautiful partner is younger, but back in the day, certainly.

You young fellas nowadays would do yourself a service to consider a mature woman. If you're hung up on looks (you shouldn't entirely be that way, but I kinda get it), there's lassies out there who will make you look twice, I assure you. The American Fan has told me some stories about his dating ventures, they've been quite amusing.

The one thing I told him about my experiences, and he concurred, is the effort. During my Guaranteed Pure period, I felt a lot of women in my age range then, got by on just their looks. But when I opened myself up to ladies a decade or two older - it was a quite an awakening. Probably the best one was just shy of 49 when I was far younger, and wow, she did NOT look her age at all. Certainly didn't move like it either.

It's one of the biggest reasons I'll never understand Anthony's logic, that and him also being a pedophile.


When I was 16, my first real girlfriend and sex giver was 19. That count? No? Okay, well one night I went home with some lady in her 40s. I was 25ish. Woke up to a note that said her and her kid were out for awhile. I ate a shit load of his snacks because I was hungover. Then I left. Never saw her again.

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
I was 26 and fucking a woman in her early 40s. She was a yoga instructor and professional therapist with her own practice. Pretty good looking for an older broad but she’s definitely farting dust now. She was really into hippie shit she had a nose piercing and always smelled like tea tree oil. Not sure where she is now but I imagine she’s probably apoplectic over the abortion ruling, rolling around on the floor red faced and screaming


Go work. Get Sandwiches
Yes. She taught me how to fuck. I was 18-19yrs. She was early 40's. I was just a drunken toy to her. It was fine by me. She would even make breakfast. I think I was rolling with a Nokia 3310 them days. We didn't bother texting each other. If we bumped into each other in a bar, we knew the outcome. Great days.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Not much older, if I would fuck an older woman now, she'd be farting dust. Because I'm old myself you see
Same here. Reminds me of those stories on O&A during the weird news segments where they would talk about like herpes or AIDS outbreaks in nursing homes. Or the one segment they did about cougars going into the dating pool and not realizing how prevalent STDs are now and getting all sorts of diseases and AIDS. *laughing sound effects*


I have a face like a shovel
it's been SO LONG for me so I need to ask: do women still have any system upgrades in the last 10 years?

are there any new sorts of tits or anything like that? or, is it the same old wiring


I have a face like a shovel
I've always said that "Porn is the devil" for several reasons

One new reason is that I'm more than sure that there are 18 year old men out there who are watching Mature porn, and think that fucking a 50 year old is like the movies on the internet

....the reality is when you fuck a 50 year old woman you're fucking a 50 year old woman......fucking yuck yo


Nighs Wonger, Stupid
The only time I ever came close was this single mom who was laying the hints down hard. Picture Rosalie Aprile with a anorexic/gym rat body. She had daughters around my age though, nice sweet girls, if they were bitches or sluts I'd totally have ravaged that cougar.

You remember 8 Mile, where Kim Basinger is dating Michael Shannon, who Eminem went to high school with? Kudos to Michael Shannon for making me so uncomfortable with that performance.