



Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Yeah I never went out of my way to watch it as a kid, since it didnt have fast paced jokes or crazy stuff happening like simpsons, south park, etc.

That shit is too "wacky" now, I'll tell you hwut.
I liked it as a kid. As an adult I’ve realized how funny it really was. I really meant it gets funnier as you get older. You see how many jokes you missed, or start to notice the smaller parts that really make it funny. As an example, as a kid, you think Hank just thinks Bobby is weird. As an adult, you figure out he thinks he’s gay. Or how funny it is that Cotton treats Hank like shit, but he loves Bobby. It’s super well thought out with great character development. All of the characters are pretty consistent throughout the entire show. Every time you think Cotton is going to not be an asshole, it goes right back to him being an asshole dubya dubya two vet, who killed fitty men.

Edit: Probably my favorite thing, is Hank’s respect for Boomhaeur. It’s never totally explained, but throughout the entire series, they add little things about how much Hank respects him. He’s also a Texas Ranger, for a fun fact.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
I liked it as a kid. As an adult I’ve realized how funny it really was. I really meant it gets funnier as you get older. You see how many jokes you missed, or start to notice the smaller parts that really make it funny. As an example, as a kid, you think Hank just thinks Bobby is weird. As an adult, you figure out he thinks he’s gay. Or how funny it is that Cotton treats Hank like shit, but he loves Bobby. It’s super well thought out with great character development. All of the characters are pretty consistent throughout the entire show. Every time you think Cotton is going to not be an asshole, it goes right back to him being an asshole dubya dubya two vet, who killed fitty men.

Edit: Probably my favorite thing, is Hank’s respect for Boomhaeur. It’s never totally explained, but throughout the entire series, they add little things about how much Hank respects him. He’s also a Texas Ranger, for a fun fact.

everyone respects boomhauer

his only vice is he is a womanizer, yet he never went after nancy

even tho he knew she was a slut

thats a good dude