WWAWT sting?



I dont know what "sting" is, some kind of faggot wrestling hack, I surmise.

management was fawkinnnnn pissed at wormkiller posting 9-10 times in EVERY FUCKING THREAD,
dont even get me started on the instant feedback.

I would say wormkiller has set himself up for quite the redemption arc, but there is nothing to redeem.
maybe do a coffee enema and ride a 10 inch bbc and post in gif format,
face can be blurred,
for da show




it doesn't taste all that good
management was fawkinnnnn pissed at wormkiller posting 9-10 times in EVERY FUCKING THREAD,
Been here 5 minutes and he's speaking on our faaaawkkin' behalf?!
hate to break it to ya but Wyzz is the new face of the company, you are going to need a wheelchair when he's done with you gramps.
That's assuming he gets past Cuntfucker tonight, Wyz needs a strong heel, it's a win win for us.