WWAWT Jiminy Glick?

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
michael mckean as the band leader with the harp always made me loff as a boy



I remember a line he said and makes me loff to this day...I don't even remember the context, but the way he said it was hilarious. He cuts his guest mid-sentence to segue about getting laid and casually mentions "Im the sort of guy who needs it every night". In his bloated fat suit all sweaty and clearly lying.


I remember a line he said and makes me loff to this day...I don't even remember the context, but the way he said it was hilarious. He cuts his guest mid-sentence to segue about getting laid and casually mentions "Im the sort of guy who needs it every night". In his bloated fat suit all sweaty and clearly lying.