WWAWT Jak games?


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
One of my favorite PS2 series. Jak & Daxter was a fan platformer, but Jak II fucking ruled. Jak 3 was good too, but maybe a bit too ambitious for it's own good. I wasn't a fan of the Light Jak and it took forever to get out of the desert and the open world wasn't as fun as II.
I like to Jak my Daxter up under the fawkin' covers where nobody could see tsst tsst

I didn't play it once they started giving him guns. Ratchet and Clank it was fine but trying to make the goofy Crash Bandicoot replacement all "serious" was too retarded for me even as a kid.
1 was a pretty good if generic 3D platformer for the time.

2 hasn't aged well at all and has some bullshit-difficult parts in it, especially with the fucking driving. Lots of lame commute times, too. You built a city and car-jacking system, great, we heard you. Stop putting the next mission on the other side of the city.

I think I remember beating 3 but I don't remember much about the game other than Daxter talking about Jak beating off near the beginning.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
I like to Jak my Daxter up under the fawkin' covers where nobody could see tsst tsst

I didn't play it once they started giving him guns. Ratchet and Clank it was fine but trying to make the goofy Crash Bandicoot replacement all "serious" was too retarded for me even as a kid.

PlayStation peaked with Crash 3 and CTR is way better than Mario Kart.