WWAWT fag stewardess and overall fag food handlers ?


it doesn't taste all that good
Maybe you'll have to bite the bullet and give up getting fucked in the ass.

In all fairness this has been a thorny one, we're weren't even sure how to bring it up with you guys. Going by the applications forms we estimate that 60% of you might need to get a shot or get put down or whatever they do to treat it (although we're pretty sure most of those were joking on the form, doesn't matter. You're gay to us now, faggot). At the same time, coming right out and saying that isn't really best practice from an HR standpoint. You'll just have to honor system it and cut down on all the gay sex or use protection. Treat it like going out during lockdown, one or two won't kill you if you're careful.

Mitch Weaver

Wave bye bye, staIker
Heresch da ting, i just flew southwest and there was a fairy flight attendant. It kinda put me in a mood tobehonestwitcha.

Lotta fawkin mudsharks as well.


Months ago it was nothing to worry about.
Then, only if you've fucked an african refugee lately.
Then, only if you've had unprotected gay sex with a stranger.
Then, only if you're gay.
Now, if you've had contact with a gay person.
