WWAWT Cain Velasquez shooting a guy

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
How can it be attempted murder if the guy had 'non-life threatening injuries'?
Isn’t just shooting at someone classed as attempted murder? Or is that assault with a deadly weapon? Maybe he shot someone in the stomach/chest and missed all the vital organs like a retard. I dunno, not familiar with U.S law.


Isn’t just shooting at someone classed as attempted murder? Or is that assault with a deadly weapon? Maybe he shot someone in the stomach/chest and missed all the vital organs like a retard. I dunno, not familiar with U.S law.

Attempted murder has to do with intent


Wait, if he was shooting at a chomo, I take my previous statement back:

[URL unfurl="true"]https://mmajunkie.usatoday.com/2022/03/mma-news-cain-velasquez-allegedly-shot-man-molesting-relative[/URL]
It’s a diddling related shooting, but the angry beaner didn’t even hit the right guy.


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Heard on ESPN or something that it was a family member of his that was molested. He did what almost everyone says they would do but he completely Tomlinson'd the whole thing it sounds like. Don't know what the molester looks like but you'd think Cain Velasquez could easily beat the shit out of him instead of trying to shoot at him.