WWAWD women stomping around and doing tasks as loudly as possible?


The Backbone of America
It makes me want to beat them mercilessly, personally. I'm just sitting here trying to chill upstairs and I hear every single thing this bitch is doing. Put away dishes and it sounded like she broke them. Like it sounded like she was throwing them into the cupboard. Repeatedly going in and outside, slamming the door each time. I can feel every step she takes and she's a small woman. It makes no goddamn sense. She's not even mad or trying to annoy me. This is just how she does things. Every woman I've ever dated is like this and my mom does it too.


It makes me want to beat them mercilessly, personally. I'm just sitting here trying to chill upstairs and I hear every single thing this bitch is doing. Put away dishes and it sounded like she broke them. Like it sounded like she was throwing them into the cupboard. Repeatedly going in and outside, slamming the door each time. I can feel every step she takes and she's a small woman. It makes no goddamn sense. She's not even mad or trying to annoy me. This is just how she does things. Every woman I've ever dated is like this and my mom does it too.
Is this an upstairs neighbor?
One night last week, I fell asleep with the window open. At 6:05 AM the sow that lives next door was outside squawking into her phone, jabbering about Bret fucking Michaels in a really irritating and shrill voice, right underneath my fucking window. I woke up, processed the situation for a second and bellowed for her to shut the fuck up. Now she shoots me pissy glares when we cross paths. The thought that maybe her neighbors didn't want to hear her banal phone conversations never entered her fat stupid mind.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
You should have seen the cunts I was in the military with. They are always used to playing on their cell phones, flirting, and barking orders. When you see one get told to do something they 9/10's freak the fuck out and cause a huge deals. Almost crying and screaming.
Women have the mindset of a child, handle them the same way you would a petulant child.

Men allow women to behave like this, it's our own goddamn fault.

Can't live with them, can't live without them, am i right gang?

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
Women have the mindset of a child, handle them the same way you would a petulant child.

Men allow women to behave like this, it's our own goddamn fault.

What sucks about women working in government is that they always find "daddys". and those daddys are quit to get YOU in trouble if you question them. They always pull the single mom card too.


The Backbone of America
Women have the mindset of a child, handle them the same way you would a petulant child.

Men allow women to behave like this, it's our own goddamn fault.
It's true. The amount of times I've sternly said "Enough!" to a woman the same way I would a child for poking at me and just purposely bothering me so I'll pay attention to them is wild.


"He's ducking through the alleys!"
Laugh at her. That's what I would do in those situations. You laugh and it'll make her feel like she's a child and you're tolerating the noise because for your entertainment of seeing her get pissy.
Beware of taking advice from a Puerto Rican on this matter, Vigoda. Next bit of advice is stomping the bitch out.
fuck @admin i really need my pic privileges...cant attach gifs

(was gonna post the Joe Cumia hoof stomping with Bosnian Bono gif)
I got you bro
