WWAWD top10

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
in no particular order

1. Downfall
2. Naked (British film)
3. Fight club
4. Casino
5. Goodfellas
6. Platoon
7. Godfather (I and II)
8. Kill List
9. Dr Strangelove
10. Apocalypse Now

I’ve seen each of these movies probably 20 times minimum. Most of them you’ve probably seen but if you haven’t seen Naked be sure to check that one out. I found it on YouTube for free watch it if you’re looking for a good movie you probably haven’t seen before.


Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
Fawk Naked is a masterpiece. Good pick. I can't narrow mine down to 10 but if I was to pick 5 movies I can watch at anytime no matter what I would say in no order.
1. The Big Lebowski
2. Videodrome
3. Blue Velvet
4. Repo Man
5. Goodfellas
Always rewatch these once a year
Naked is one that really stuck with me since I first watched it years ago so I put it in there. It’s hard to narrow down to 10 but those are all movies that I can watch repeatedly and never get tired of them


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
I'm still fog brained here, but I'll throw in:

1. Casablanca

2. The Thin Man

3. Smokey and The Bandit

4. Top Secret!

5. Phantom of the Opera (Lon Chaney)

6. Cat People (40's version)

7. Rear Window

8. His Girl Friday

9. Some Like It Hot

10. In A Lonely Place

Fuck, I'm old.


I'm still fog brained here, but I'll throw in:

1. Casablanca

2. The Thin Man

3. Smokey and The Bandit

4. Top Secret!

5. Phantom of the Opera (Lon Chaney)

6. Cat People (40's version)

7. Rear Window

8. His Girl Friday

9. Some Like It Hot

10. In A Lonely Place

Fuck, I'm old.
Top Secret! is funnier than Airplane. Thanks for reminding me I need to watch Cat People.


Kill List is truly great. It's one of those films that gets stuck in your head for days after the first time you see it. In a way it's a shame the director/writer Ben Wheatly didn’t call it something else because you see the title and it sounds like some bad Steven Seagal movie when it's so much more. A kitchen sink domestic drama that morphs into an ultra-violent hitman road movie before descending into a waking nightmare.