WWAWD smirking at trannies


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
My BiL owned a diner and a tranny and his BF used to be regulars. This was late 90s early 2k so before all this woke shit. Anyhow, the BF was a skinny Mr Clean looking dude who rumor had it was fresh out of the joint.
The tranny was early in his transition as his hair wasn't very long, still has facial hair and not many women's clothes. The tranny also worked as a security guard, so in uniform he looked just like a dude. Well, servers would frequently slip and say sir. Well he and his BF would get so bent out of shape over it haha. Like come on dude you don't pass at all, you look like a dude with a tube top on and make up. You have pants on and men's sneakers. Fuck outta here

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Most of them look like this



I rememeber hearing some click clacking behind me and my instinctual maleness picked up on the sound...and when I looked it was some troon twink and he gasped like he was about to get knocked tf out. LOL my face is so expressive he must have caught on some legit 'wtf!!! chaotic berserker vibes. he pranced and sashayed ahead of me...what a world, anywhere else I'm snapping his neck and eating him (wait no this is not true).