WWAWD Gladbeck Hostage Crisis



[URL unfurl="true"]https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gladbeck_hostage_crisis[/URL]

Watched a doc on this last night, and honestly by opinion of Europeans just fucking plummeted. This was the most pathetic thing I have ever seen.

Bunch of skinny blonde euro fags standing in a circle jerking off a criminal while he's holding children hostage. Nobody even tries to do shit for 3 days because of three fucking pistols. Anyone who watches this will thank God for their second amendment.

You'd be better protected by the fucking Wiggles than you would Euro police.

Then the real kicker came here. The guy who shoots and kills the young boy has been released from prison. Lol. You can get released over there after murderinga child. Fuck you guys are homo. And the female accomplice SIX FUCKING YEARS. For accessory to two murders.

Fuck Europe. Those fags don't have the right to say shit about what goes on here.


Just a few weeks ago a sniper was used to shoot and kill a guy who was had taken a kid hostage in some car and it was over pretty quick.

The Arm

Fire stalk with me.
Anders Breivek killed 69 kids and Norway literally gave him an Xbox.
Norway doesn't have real prisons. Varg burned (((churches))) and killed a commie. He got put in what looked like a college dorm, and got to go out on short releases.


Made me learn something new...TYFYS.

Nobody wants to admit it, but all the ballsy Europeans died (and their genetics with them) during the World Wars.


Is that the Netflix doc? Was it any good?
It was really good, but put it on German with the subtitles. The dubbed English is unwatchable

It's good because they only use media footage.

Modern germans might be the biggest fags in Europe.