WWAWD Getting One Last Year of Charles Barkley and crew on Inside The NBA?


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!

I don't watch the NBA. Not my sport. Could give a cunt hair less about basketball.

But I fucking love this guy. I dig his chemistry with Ernie and Shaq. I watch a show about a sport I don't care for, talking about said sport I will NEVER bother with, just because these guys are so fucking good together.

One more year with this crew. I'll enjoy it while it lasts. Thank you for your service, Chuck, and letting me know San Antonio has them "big ol' women who love them churros".
you should try to get into some other talk format shows. there used to be a very funny, mixed race shock jock who had great chemistry with his co-hosts and guests. their enemies in showbusiness constantly tried to cancel them because they were so dominant, much like NBA on TNT. Odie&Andy. i'm sure you heard of them. i can only recommend you check them out


Joe's Filipino Supervisor

I don't watch the NBA. Not my sport. Could give a cunt hair less about basketball.

But I fucking love this guy. I dig his chemistry with Ernie and Shaq. I watch a show about a sport I don't care for, talking about said sport I will NEVER bother with, just because these guys are so fucking good together.

One more year with this crew. I'll enjoy it while it lasts. Thank you for your service, Chuck, and letting me know San Antonio has them "big ol' women who love them churros".
Churros Chuck


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
doesn't he have one more year on his contract I thought it was ending next year?

Yeah, I guess Amazon gets the NBA after this next season, and he's announced next year is the last for him and he's retiring. Still won't watch the fucking thing though.

Barkley used to be somewhat entertaining... now he's /reddit/ personified, completely insufferable.

Dude, he's fine, really. He actually shares a fair amount of my own opinions, difference is he's much louder about them than I am. And that's his prerogative. You can be a bit obnoxious as long as you make me laugh (hence here). I can't ever hate the guy.

Amazon will hire them after their contract is up.

I think they'd have to buy out his Turner contract - that's how that works with retirement, correct?

But you're still probably going to be right, though Ernie announced he's staying for their college basketball.

TNT is currently sueing for the rights allegedly.

Inside the NBA makes for great TV every time and there's nary a game of candy crush, race rant, or transgender joke in sight

They countered and NBA denied it.

It's been a huge subject in our industry, what's going on with Warner. They don't have the money to try and fight this; AT&T and Discovery raped their corpse.


It died on the vine
I only ever really watched the highlights because I couldn't give a squirt of piss about basketball, but they're pretty fucking funny.

Also, yeah they're all fat as fuck down in San Antonio, and the river walk is pathetic.

Churros are delicious though, so I understand.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
I only ever really watched the highlights because I couldn't give a squirt of piss about basketball, but they're pretty fucking funny.

Also, yeah they're all fat as fuck down in San Antonio, and the river walk is pathetic.

Churros are delicious though, so I understand.
