WWAWD Dr. Katz


I swear there was a national syndicated radio show that played on our most popular urban station in the Boston area at the time, jamn 945, and it was hosted by a guy named Dr. Katz and teens would call in and whine about stupid shit.

Some kid was asking for advice about a shitty haircut he got and was being made fun of for.

I can't be imagining this shit, but when I hear Dr Katz I think of that radio show.

The actual show with the squiggly animation? I did like it. Even though I was a kid and didn't understand it, it just always put me at ease.


I swear there was a national syndicated radio show that played on our most popular urban station in the Boston area at the time, jamn 945, and it was hosted by a guy named Dr. Katz and teens would call in and whine about stupid shit.

Some kid was asking for advice about a shitty haircut he got and was being made fun of for.

I can't be imagining this shit, but when I hear Dr Katz I think of that radio show.

The actual show with the squiggly animation? I did like it. Even though I was a kid and didn't understand it, it just always put me at ease.
Entire show in varying quality on da YouTubes.