wwawd crazy pussy?

Just spent a weekend with this chick camping. before the trip she wanted to call it off because she was mad that she did coke because of me. She explained it by virtue of her being a part time crack dealer who occasionally has customers who pay her just to sit & smoke a few rocks with her. She needed to make money to buy me food to eat, none of which she would volunteer to actually cook or serve. The lowest part was the rapid narcissistic abuse cycle which included cutting my face with either a closed fist punch or a handbag. WWYD bros?

I ended up having to do some goon arming but did not hit her, yell at her or cry.. despite her repeatedly saying I was yelling when I was speaking in a pretty calm tone of voice, thanks to the past few weeks or months of group therapy. I can't reveal any of that shit in group so enjoy a snippet of my shitty life I'm gonna compartmentalize away with psych drugs.

ps. @captain_kamala send sympathy nudes, my goddess.


I was in this YMCA sponsored job-skills training program for 13 weeks, and this girl and I became real close and would spend all our breaks smoking or having lunch together. Well when the program was ending there was a graduation type ceremony and you had to bring one person with you. She brought her bf, some long haired brit-fag and she was still flirty with me in front of him (and everyone noticed).

I was Pringle Can Jon that day.


Get up here and shut up!
She explained it by virtue of her being a part time crack dealer who occasionally has customers who pay her just to sit & smoke a few rocks with her.
Sounds like a crackhead who simply knew who all the dealers were and was just taking her hookup cut. Ask me how I know. Part-time crack dealer is absolutely hilarious too BTW.

The fuck are you doing? This looks like something I would've discussed in my early 20's. You ok?
Sounds like a crackhead who simply knew who all the dealers were and was just taking her hookup cut. Ask me how I know. Part-time crack dealer is absolutely hilarious too BTW.

The fuck are you doing? This looks like something I would've discussed in my early 20's. You ok?
You could be right, I have no idea, either way, that's the past & I'll leave it there She made a lot of claims she could back up, being a part time extra in movies, a few imdb credits etc. then she claimed to have a brain tumor that she's refused treatment of due to not wanting to harm her pineal gland. bitches. I'm back on the misogyny train.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show


More like witchy bitch but just as retarded
Nah that's more retarded than Rogan tbh. Rogan is a retard who doesnt realizing eating red meat is just a natural thing. Those witch bitches think that they are on some higher plane of existence and dialed into spirits. I recall there was some reddit post about some bitch trying to HEX Allah and being totally mind ruined as a result. Its apparently an entire thing: