WWAWD Ashida Kim Ninja Manuals ?


How does that feel?!
I used to study these silly books when I was a young teenager. I always knew 'Ashida Kim' was a huge phony but I wanted to believe. At that time I wanted to put together a ninja suit and prowl around town like batman. I was such a faggot and it could probably be argued I still am. Did anyone else ever read this nonsense ?

Ashida Kim - Secrets of the Ninja

There are so many good parts in that book but my favorite has to be the technique labeled - " SHOU K'AO K'Al (HANDCUFF SWITCH) " no doubt even attempting such a thing would lead to you getting a nice treatment of wood shampoo.


The enemy has captured you and ordered your hands atop your head. He moves into posi-
tion behind you and reaches up to take your right arm into a Hammer Lock. This is preparatory
to tying your hands or handcuffing them behind your back. The enemy presses his weapon into
your back to discourage resistance. In an arrest, one officer generally covers the other.
Fig. 81-The enemy pulls your arm behind your back. This is the best moment to attack since
he must either reach for his cuffs or holster his weapon. His attention will be distracted.
Fig. 82-Step to the right with your left foot, pivoting on the ball of the right foot, and revers-
ing the enemy's wristlock by lifting it over your head and seizing his arm. Slap the enemy
weapon to the outside with the left hand by crossing the body. This is known as a cross-push
block. If he has bolstered his weapon, strike him in the rib cage as you turn.
Fig. 83-Slide-step with the right foot to a position even with the enemy. Step to his rear with
your left foot, maintaining your grip on his wrist. Pull downward in a semicircular arc with
your right hand, twisting the enemy's right arm into a hammer lock. Seize the enemy's left wrist
from behind to prevent his executing a similar reverse.

This is a common escape from a Hammer Lock found in most martial arts as a self de-
fense trick. It involves using the Entering Pivot from the Kuji Ashi. From this it can be seen that
the Ninja applied a few techniques to a variety of purposes. Making their system simple and
easy to learn as well as effective. This is the same step used to enter a doorway without letting
light escape as the door is opened shown earlier. *

Ashida Kim is an "internationally renowned martial arts expert" who teaches and lectures on Ninjitsu around the world. He has written fifty books on martial arts. In 2009 he was inducted into the USKA Martial Arts Hall of Fame as Grandmaster of the Year. He resides in Lake Alfred, Florida. - wiki

