WWAW with bryan Adams

Mitch Weaver

Wave bye bye, staIker
Unsurprisingly I love the guy. His new shit stinks but from Cuts Like A Knife to his unplugged release, he was on a roll.

There have been a few gems since bur very much diminishing returns. Can’t stay on top forever tho

Mitch Weaver

Wave bye bye, staIker
I can't, because I'm a retarded faggot who went off half-cocked. I confused him with Michael Bolton.
Now that cocksucker I loathe. My first job at Macys was awesome as a horny 18 year old but hearing that fuckwad warble Santa Clause is Coming To Town 9 times a day was brutal.



Now that cocksucker I loathe. My first job at Macys was awesome as a horny 18 year old but hearing that fuckwad warble Santa Clause is Coming To Town 9 times a day was brutal.

Holy shit that's bad. His fans seem normal:
